> The Basics of the Keto Diet

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The Basics of the Keto Diet

The Basics of the Keto Diet Ketosis is the body's response to the production of ketone bodies. The body produces ketone bodies only when it receives less glucose from food, that is, when blood sugar is low.

Simple carbohydrates that come with food break down quickly, which provokes an increase in blood glucose levels. If they are not enough, then the body starts the production of ketone bodies. At the same time, it is necessary that the amount of protein with food comes in sufficient volume. Otherwise, the body will begin to process its own muscle mass.

The Basics of the Keto Diet Plan for you

You can talk about ketosis from the moment when the body starts the process of producing ketone bodies. If you completely refuse food, then it will begin very soon.

Simple carbohydrates that come with food break down quickly, which provokes an increase in blood glucose levels. If they are not enough, then the body starts the production of ketone bodies. At the same time, it is necessary that the amount of protein with food comes in sufficient volume. Otherwise, the body will begin to process its own muscle mass.

You can talk about ketosis from the moment when the body starts the process of producing ketone bodies. If you completely refuse food, then it will begin very soon.

Moreover, it can be observed for a long period of time. It will not cause damage to health, and the process of getting rid of excess weight will be launched.

Moreover, it can be observed for a long period of time. It will not cause damage to health, and the process of getting rid of excess weight will be launched.

When switching to alternative "fuel", the body may need support and protection from the development of negative consequences associated with weight loss and dietary changes.

When switching to keto, symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) may appear: weakness, nausea, headache, stool disorders, skin rashes, and others - the so-called "ketosis flu".

This happens both due to the release into the blood of substances that are formed as a result of the intensive splitting of one's own fat deposits, and in a significant restructuring of the digestive system. Changing the diet and diet can often provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis.

With a keto diet, to relieve the load from the gastrointestinal tract and general detoxification, an enterosorbent may be indicated. You can pay attention to the Russian enterosgel Enterosgel. It is a soft hydrophilic paste that absorbs harmful compounds without lingering on the intestinal walls. The ability to "slide" on the epithelium of the stomach and intestines provides atraumaticity in relation to mucous membranes and beneficial microflora.

This distinguishes Enterosel from powder sorbents with crystalline microparticles, which can act aggressively both on mucous membranes and on beneficial intestinal microflora. Soft hydrogel reduces the likelihood of constipation, which is very important when on a keto diet.

Rules for Achieving Ketosis

To put the body into a state of ketosis, the following recommendations must be followed: taking carbohydrates should less than 35-50 grams. In its pure form, this number is 20 g. Foods containing fats on a keto diet can be eaten without any fear that the weight loss process will be suspended. In this case, they are sources of energy. You will need to drink at least 3 liters of pure water per day.

Snacking on a keto diet is prohibited, as they provoke an increase in insulin levels in the blood.

During the diet, you need to exercise, but they should not be exhausting. Half an hour of exercise a day is enough to speed up the process of splitting fats.

To lose weight, you need to cut the daily calorie content of meals by 500 kcal.
Foods containing fats on a keto diet can be eaten without any fear that the weight loss process will be suspended. In this case, they are sources of energy.

You will need to drink at least 3 liters of pure water per day.

Snacking on a keto diet is prohibited, as they provoke an increase in insulin levels in the blood. During the diet, you need to exercise, but they should not be exhausting. Half an hour of exercise a day is enough to speed up the process of splitting fats. To lose weight, you need to cut the daily calorie content of meals by 500 kcal. . These are not absolute values ​​and are subject to change depending on body weight and energy expenditure. Salt intake must be limited.

You need to eat at least 5 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours. The last meal should take place three hours before the night's rest.

you can lose 0.5-2.5 kg of weight in a week. As for specific numbers, the final result depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The diet is popular both among ordinary people and among athletes involved in bodybuilding. This is due to the fact that during the keto diet there is no loss of muscle mass. Celebrities such as Alice Milano, Melissa McCartney and Kim Kardashian do not hide their addiction to the keto diet.

Stages of adaptation of the body to ketosis

Stages of adaptation of the body Stage 1. The entire amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning. . Then glycogen will begin to connect, which will produce its own glucose. Stage 2. Carbohydrate foods are kept to a minimum. Now glycogen from the liver and muscles is completely responsible for energy production. After another 2-3 days, the body will begin to look for alternative sources of energy. Stage 3. . The body has 2 sources from which it can get energy - these are proteins and fats. Fats will begin to burn, but full-fledged ketosis in the third stage has not yet occurred. Proteins that come with food, the body begins to process into glucose. If a person receives an insufficient amount of protein foods, then the body will burn muscles, which is very bad. Therefore, the keto diet involves a twofold increase in proteins in the menu. That is, instead of 2 g of protein, for every kilogram of weight you will now need to eat 4 g. Stage 4. After a week, the body understands that carbohydrates will not be supplied with food. Then he begins to scoop it from fatty deposits. Only from this moment can we assume that ketosis is fully launched.

Signs of ketosis

Signs that indicate ketosis: An increase in the number of ketone bodies in the urine. You can check this with the help of special test strips.
  • Mood boost. A surge of energy, vitality and strength. The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth. A similar odor can come from sweat and urine.
  • Loss of appetite.

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